Neverending STORY
I have always been an inventor, experimenting with new things, making music as a child, building audio equipment, synthesizers and guitars.
You can do many other things in the meantime in life, but at some point you keep coming back to the things that interested you the most as a child.
That happened to me too. I came back to the field of computer music and based on my needs I came up with special VST instruments for sound effects.
Ask me anything
Whatever your reason is, please feel free to contact me anytime. In Estonia we have +02 GMT, so if Im not answering, then probably it`s because I`m sleeping another side of the world :)
Email: marko@slapassound.com
Phone: +372 511 9771
Location: Tallinn, ESTONIA
Tallinn - The City of Sound
If you ever come here in your life and see this wonderful Estonian nature, you will immediately fall in love with it. That's a promise.
Although it is very beautiful here, it is often cold and crisp. But a wonderful Estonian sauna helps with that!
Although it may not be the richest country in terms of its assets, it is home to very happy people who know how to create new values that benefit the whole world.
Email: marko@slapassound.com
Phone: +372 511 9771
Location: Tallinn, ESTONIA